Apr 22, 2024

In the shadow of heartbreak, our community finds rays of hope. This week, as CBS Nightly News poignantly reminded us, marks 25 years since the tragic Columbine School Shooting—an event that reshaped our nation’s heart and policies. More than 400 school shootings have pierced the fabric of communities across America since that dark day. And just this Sunday, a wave of sorrow washed over me as I learned from a friend’s email that it’s been a decade since the Reynolds High School tragedy struck close to home in our Gresham area.

Emilio Run for Red

Yet, amidst the grief, incredible stories of resilience and compassion emerge. The aftermath of Columbine saw a bereaved family channel their anguish into creating schools and a library in Guatemala, a heartfelt tribute that not only honors their lost son but serves countless children. Similarly, here in our town, the legacy of a young life tragically cut short at Reynolds High School has blossomed into a force for good.

Founded in memory of Emilio Hoffman—a bright young soul lost to us far too soon—Emilio, Inc. has, over the past ten years, stood as a beacon of hope and healing. This remarkable organization has tirelessly worked to support our youth, focusing on mental health initiatives and filling the gaps in care with unwavering dedication. From initiatives like the Run for Red to the impactful unveiling of the Emilio Hoffman memorial plaque, their efforts keep the spirit of community, care, and proactive compassion alive.

The recent dedication of a space at the Multnomah County Health Department Student Health Center in Emilio’s name is a testament to the light he brought to the world and the enduring impact of his memory. This plaque, funded through the generous support of community leaders like Senator Gorsek and Representative Hudson, serves as a tangible reminder of the joy and positivity that defined Emilio’s too-short life. It’s a symbol of resilience, reminding every student, staff, and visitor of the difference one individual’s legacy can make in fostering a safer, more compassionate world.

Dr. Diaz, the Superintendent for the Reynolds School District, shared, “I have heard that Emilio lit up a room upon his entrance.” This sentiment resonates deeply within our hearts, echoing the sentiment of Jennifer Hoffman, Emilio’s mother, who expressed gratitude towards all who are keeping her son’s memory vibrant and alive.

Emilio Inc_ Logo

Our community stands united in the belief that awareness, education, and collaboration are key in combating mental health challenges and preventing youth violence. By supporting local organizations like Emilio, Inc. and participating in events such as the Run for Red, we actively contribute to creating a safer environment for our youth—one where every teenager receives the support they need to flourish.

In closing, I urge each of us to remember the importance of investing in community safety measures, such as advocating for the return of Student Resource Officers to our schools. These efforts have been proven nationally to help prevent and mitigate school shootings. While we wish tragedies like Columbine and Reynolds High never occurred, we honor those we’ve lost by working tirelessly to ensure their memories inspire positive change.

In their names, we strive to be the last to endure such sorrow, turning our grief into action that safeguards and enriches the lives of future generations. Join us in this vital mission. Your support, whether through participating in community events, making a donation, or simply spreading the word, has the power to save lives and heal hearts. Together, we can carry on the legacy of those we’ve lost and build a brighter, more hopeful future for all.